
Supported Environments

What platforms can MHonArc run under?

MHonArc is known to run under many varieties of Unix, MS-DOS/Windows, WinNT, Win95, OS/2.

What about Mac?

MHonArc has been coded to support MacPerl, but no adequate testing has been done to verify the code. Please notify the author if you are interested in testing MHonArc under MacPerl.

What version of Perl is required to run MHonArc?

MHonArc can run under Perl 4 or 5. Perl 5 is recommended for performance reasons and for the possibility that future releases of MHonArc will use Perl 5 features.


Current plans are for MHonArc v3 to be the Perl 5 rewrite of MHonArc v2.x. v2.x will probably be the last major version to run under Perl 4.

What mail user agents (MUA's) does MHonarc support?

MHonArc can convert mail that is stored in UUCP mailbox format (ie. all messages are in a single file), or in the format used by the Rand Message Handler (MH) (messages are contained in separate files within a directory). MHonArc is known to work with the following MUAs: MH, mail, Mail, Elm, Eudora, WinVN, Windows Trumpet, and NUPop.


To support some MUA's, it may require redefining the MSGSEP or MHPATTERN resource. Please consult the documentation for more information about these resources.

Can MHonArc process Compuserve messages?

Here is a response from a user:

At 11:38 AM 3/6/97 +0100, Bernard Frit wrote:
>Hi everybody,
>A friend of mine has a lot of archives in CompuServe
>thread and message format. He'd like to convert them
>in a convenient format (html or whatever) with thread
>indexing features as MHonArc is doing it for mail
>At the first glance, I didn't find out how to configure
>MHonArc to do the job.

The Compuserve "file cabinet" format is too far from the basic SMTP message
format that MHonArc recognizes.

Your friend can find software on Compuserve to read the file cabinet format
and emit ascii text that is closer to SMTP message format that MHonArc can
use.  A search of IBMFF using the keywords "cabinet" and "convert" yielded
several items including these two:

Forum Name: CSNAVSUPPORT                 Library: Member Uploads  (6)
  Accesses: 839                       Size: 11368
      File: THRDCO.ZIP           Submitted: [72662,70]   26-Aug-94

This program converts forum message threads to a plain text file  called
COLLECT.TXT.  Your favorite word processor can then search  for any message
on any topic that you have downloaded.  It is  public domain and was
created because I have so many forum  thread messages which I can't search.

Forum Name: PCEFORUM                 Library: Telecom/Reseaux  (8)
  Accesses: 32                        Size: 30865
      File: SHWCIM.ZIP           Submitted: [72241,2132]   08-Nov-96

Une fois stockes dans le "Cabinet"  CompuServe, les messages des forums et
les courriers sont codes dans des fichiers binaires que l'on ne peut pas
relire directement. Cet utilitaire a pour but de convertir n'importe quel
fichier de la base WinCIM en fichier ASCII pur. Freeware en anglais.

-- SP

Can MHonArc create non-English archives?

Yes. With MHonArc's page layout customizations features, you can have MHonArc create pages in any language supported by Web client software. Plus, messages containing non-English text is supported during message conversion. For text messages, MHonArc supports the ISO-8859 character sets and the ISO-2022-JP character set.

Can I create bilingual archives?

Yes. You can actually create archives that have as many indexes as you want in as many languages that you want. Through the OTHERINDEXES resource can define any number of extra indexes to create. For each index, you can redfine the index resources to use whatever text (English or non-English) you desire.


There is no support for mulitple variations of message pages in an archive. Therefore, a single language must be chosen for message pages, or you can include redundant information using multiple languages.


Actual message data will be in the language used in the message. MHonArc has no built-in language translation.


97/05/15 16:48:06
Copyright © 1997, Earl Hood, ehood@medusa.acs.uci.edu