In addition to its shortcuts for creating form elements, defines general HTML shortcut methods as well. HTML shortcuts are named after a single HTML element and return a fragment of HTML text that you can then print or manipulate as you like.

This example shows how to use the HTML methods:

	$q = new CGI;
	print $q->blockquote(
			     "Many years ago on the island of",
			     "there lived a minotaur named",

This results in the following HTML code (extra newlines have been added for readability):

	Many years ago on the island of
	<a HREF="";>Crete</a> there lived
	a minotaur named <strong>Fred.</strong> 

If you find the syntax for calling the HTML shortcuts awkward, you can import them into your namespace and dispense with the object syntax completely (see the next section for more details):

	use CGI shortcuts;      # IMPORT HTML SHORTCUTS
	print blockquote(
		     "Many years ago on the island of",
		     "there lived a minotaur named",