Yolo Area Regional Network

1996 Summits

University of California, Davis, and the Davis Community Network co-hosted a series of regional telecommunications summits, inviting representatives from surrounding cities and county organizations, including government, education, and business. From this initial effort, several working groups were organized and have worked on regional telecommunications projects.

The work accomplished to date includes:

YARN Summit

  1. Presented educational material on "smart communities" and University projects.
  2. Representatives from each organization made a short presentation of their telecommunications and information technology goals, activities and obstacles.
  3. As a group, attendees identified common goals and obstacles.
Policy Summit

  1. Co-hosted by the City of Davis and University of California at Davis.
YARN Lunch

  1. Telecommunications industry representatives presented information on their activities and potential for public-private partnerships.
  2. Attendees created subgroups to work in areas of:
    1. Organizational Activities
    2. Infrastructure and Resource Mapping
    3. Regional Kiosk Project
    4. Regional Training and Demonstration Center
    5. Support coordination among elected officials.
YARN Summit

  1. An update on YARN organizational efforts and subgroups' progress.
  2. Presentation by invited guest: Robert Berry, Pres./CEO, San Bernardino County, Enterprise for Economic Excellence.
The following are the common areas of need and interest and potential areas of shared resources that have been identified:

Institutional NetworkingXX
Community-wide Internet accessXXXXX
Electronic Communication servicesXX
Regional network coordinationXXXXX
Economic developmentX

High speed community accessXXXXX
Education and TrainingXX
Equitable accessXXXXX

Four workgroups were set up to carry out the initiatives created at the May 1996 meeting:

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